Today I came across a customers 3750 switch stack which had a flapping stackwise link. The stackwise link was transitioning up/down around 3 times a second and causing massive issues with connectivity and EIGRP routing for the site. Previously I believed that I would need to physically remove the Stackwise cable in order to restore service by shutting the flapping link. It seems it is possible to shut the Stackwise port from the CLI although it is done from enable mode rather than Configure terminal. The command is.. Switch#switch 1 stack port 1 ? disable Disable stack port enable Enable stack port The first number 1 would indicate the switch number in the stack and the second number 1 after the port is the Stackwise port number you want to shut. Make a note of which switch and port you shut as it will not show up in the config or the show outputs which could prove tricky when you want to reenable it.. You can determine the status of the ports using the command below but not how ...